2018 OCP Review - Frequently Asked Questions

2018 OCP Review - Frequently Asked Questions

Questions from the September 13, 2017 Public Information Meetings

How much of the consultation process response was from care home residents?

This data is not available, since the Town has not asked residents to declare where they live or their living situation. The 2016 Census does indicate that 52% of the Town’s residents are 65 or older, which is close to the representation in the random portion of the 2016 Quality of Life Survey.

What is occurring with the Urban Containment Boundary? Is it moving out to match Town Boundary?

There have been no decisions about whether or not there will be changes to the Urban Containment Boundary. The Quality of Life survey and discussions about housing have explored the possibility of housing policy changes that, if implemented, would lead to a change in the Urban Containment Boundary. '

General Questions about the OCP and OCP Review Process

What is an Official Community Plan (OCP) review?

An Official Community Plan review is an opportunity for the Town to ensure that the goals and objectives which were set out in the OCP are still important to the community. Since an official community plan is a long-term guiding document for the future of a community it is important that everything stated in the plan is still relevant to the community and no adjustments need to be made to the plan.

About the 2016-2017 Official Community Plan review?

Starting in November 2016, the Town of Qualicum Beach began a review of its Official Community Plan (OCP). Qualicum Beach's current plan was adopted in 2011. It is important that the plan be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it continues to reflect the values and aspirations of the community. The review process is anticipated to take just over one year with the adoption of a revised Official Community Plan in early 2018.

Why is the Official Community Plan important?

The OCP reflects the community's values and priorities as presented through its vision. By setting out a clear community vision today, we can shape our future growth in a way that is sustainable and provides a high quality of life for current and future residents.

How does an Official Community Plan (OCP) help us reach our community goals?

All municipal policies, plans and regulations must be in alignment with the OCP Bylaw, so it is a powerful guide for Town decision-making. An effective OCP provides clear direction but does not preclude change to the plan based on evolving circumstances or interpretation of policies by Council and staff. In this way, an OCP is often considered a "living document".

Who uses an Official Community Plan (OCP)? Who does it affect?

Council, town staff, developers and professionals (architects, engineers, planners, landscape architects, etc.) use the OCP to understand what the community wants as it relates to the delivery of housing and other land uses (types, character), transportation services, infrastructure and amenities. They also use the OCP to understand which areas are suitable for development and which are not (environmentally sensitive areas, steep slopes, hazardous areas, etc.). The public can use the OCP to gain a better understanding of local issues and how they are planned to be addressed or what changes may happen in their neighbourhood.

Why is there such a focus on land use and development policy?

Provincial legislation (Local Government Act) outlines the purpose, required content and discretionary content of an Official Community Plan (OCP). The purpose of an OCP, under this legislation, is a "statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management".

Why is public input needed?

An Official Community Plan (OCP) Review involves significant public involvement from the beginning to the end so that goals and policies reflect community concerns and hopes for the future. During an OCP update, the review process is open, transparent, and requires broad input from residents, elected officials, staff, and stakeholders. It is the Town's goal to engage residents of all ages and walks of life to participate in a wide number of activities over the life of the review.

What is the different between a zoning Bylaw and the Official Community Plan (OCP)?

The zoning bylaw is a regulatory tool that is very specific about land use, density, building siting (where it's located on a lot) and other issues such as landscaping and lot coverage requirement as it relates to a lot or site. The OCP is more strategic and often less prescriptive about specific sites. For instance, the OCP will say "this area will be a future growth area for high density housing" where the Zoning Bylaw will say that the building on that specific lot will be may not be more than 9m tall or cover more than 35% of the lot.

Where can I get more information about the OCP?

Click Here to view the OCP Documents

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