Works & Services Agreements

Works & Services Agreements

Should a development application be successful, please be advised that completion of specified offsite works and services will be a condition of approval.

The intent of offsite works and services is to improve adjacent utilities and servicing to offset the demand that results from development, and to ensure that servicing is up to current standards. The Town of Qualicum Beach is granted the authority to require offsite works and services under the Local Government Act. Offsite works and services related to a simple building permit or subdivision process are usually limited to the area of the development, and typically do not include improvements that are not adjacent to the development. Required works and services related to rezoning may also include works and services that are not adjacent to the development, either as an amenity bonus contribution or as extended works and services.

The applicant is required to install all works and services prior to the issuance of a subdivision or building permit. However, approval can be given prior to the completion of the works and services if the applicant has provided a security to the Town and entered into a “Works and Services Agreement.” Such an agreement outlines the works and services that an applicant must complete as a condition of their application.

Examples of offsite works and services include:

  • Storm sewer, water, and sanitary sewer upgrades
  • Hydro, telephone, and cable improvements
  • Constructing sidewalks and boulevards
  • Improving roads

If the applicant does not fulfill the offsite works and services before a set deadline, their security deposit is forfeit. Acceptable forms of deposit include:

  • Cash deposit
  • Letter of credit

Section 940 of the Local Government Act provides details on the completion of these works and services.
For questions regarding Offsite Works and Services, please contact the Planning Department.

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