News Release - January 19, 2018

News Release - January 19, 2018

Construction Notice: January 2018
Laneway Watermain Replacement Second Ave W to Fern Rd

Knappett Industries, on behalf of the Town of Qualicum Beach, will be undertaking the replacement of an aging and undersized galvanized iron watermain in the laneway that runs from 2nd Avenue to Fern Road, parallel to and just west of Primrose Street. The exact date of their start of work has not been determined but we are writing to inform potentially affected residents and businesses of the upcoming activity and advise them that they should anticipate some inconvenience during the project. The contractor estimates that the disruptive excavation work should only take a few days. Testing, commissioning and repaving will follow and should be less disruptive.

Once we have more information from the contractor we will update residents and owners. It is our policy to try and provide at least 24 hours notice prior to any water service disruptions and we ask for your cooperation and patience during this infrastructure upgrade.

As more information becomes available from the contractor, we will update residents and owners. It is our policy to try and provide at least 24 hours notice prior to any water service disruptions and we ask for your cooperation and patience during this infrastructure upgrade.

Should you have any questions or concerns related to this project, please contact: Bob Weir, P. Eng., Director of Engineering & Operations 250.752.6921 [email protected]


Bob Weir, P. Eng.
Director of Engineering, Utilities & Airport
Town of Qualicum Beach
[email protected]

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