Every winter the Town maintains 100km of paved streets and lanes. Keeping the streets clear during the winter is essential to make way for emergency responders, prevent injuries and accidents and ensure our community can still access essential services.
Snow Removal

Priority Clearing Route
Roads are cleared in the following priority sequence:
Emergency routes. This includes Rupert Road between the ambulance and the fire station.
Arterial roads. This includes roads like Laburnum, Rupert, Village Way, Memorial and 19A.
Collector roads. This includes roads like Crescent, Fern, Chartwell and Eaglecrest.
Residential through-roads.
Residential cul-de-sacs and residential lanes.
Only access roads serving more than two homes will be plowed. It takes approximately 72 hours to reach cul-de-sacs from the time it stops snowing and if fresh snow falls, crews must return to the streets with higher priority.
Sidewalk Clearing
Residents and businesses are responsible for clearing snow or ice from sidewalks in front of and/or bordering their premises, just as the Town is responsible for clearing snow and ice adjacent to our properties.
Sidewalks should be cleared no later than 10:00 am, except Sunday.
Sidewalks should have at least a 3ft to 4ft wide pathway cleared for accessibility.
Failure to clear your sidewalk could result in a $75 fine for each day the offence continues. If the sidewalk remains uncleared, the Town may perform the work and charge the owner/occupier with the cost.
Avoid using salt on sidewalks as it damages concrete and paving stone surfaces. Instead, use a de-icer to minimize damage.
One of the main obstacles that hamper efficient snow plowing and removal is parked or abandoned vehicles. Parking or abandoning vehicles on municipal roads when snow operations are in progress may result in vehicles being towed at the owner’s expense.
Salt is applied to all emergency routes, arterial routes and collector roads in advance of freezing and snowfall events, after snowfall events and in response to icy conditions.
Sand is applied during snowfalls to improve traction and on steep grades in advance of forecasted snowfalls. Salt becomes less effective below -6°C so crews may apply sand instead of salt during these periods.
Yes, the Town will plow select high use hard-surfaced trails such as the Dollymount Trail, Hemsworth Trail, Dogwood Walk, Memorial Avenue (from the Fir Street to Hwy 19A) and the beach waterfront walkway.
Crews will clear the snow on these hard-surfaced trails after all of the roads have been plowed, sidewalks are clear and drainage inlets have been cleared.
Trail plowing could take 96 hours to be completed after it stops snowing.
No, priority routes are those used by Police, Fire, Ambulance, BC Transit and other responders.
We work closely with emergency services to respond to medical emergencies during a snow event.
Snow plow operators try to minimize this inconvenience as much as possible, but you can help.
When shoveling your driveway and sidewalk, pile snow onto your yard or the right side of your driveway when facing the road.
This will prevent the plow from catching and spreading it back across your driveway.