A mobile vendor licence is required for all Qualicum Beach food trucks and other mobile food vendors. To apply for a licence, you will be required to provide:
Mobile Food Vending Licence

Pictures of the food vending unit showing all sides.
Lists of food and beverages to be sold.
Dimensions of food vending unit (length, width & height).
Location and description of cooking and/or food preparation facilities, if applicable.
Three requested vending locations, in order of preference.
Number of employees.
Vancouver Island Health Authority approval and any other required approvals.
Applicants may also wish to provide additional information to assist the Town in their review, such as:
Appearance of food vending units.
Quality and diversity of food.
Uniqueness in food and beverage offerings.
Mitigation strategies for impact due to noise, dust, odour, smoke or other issues.
Mobile Food Vending Licence Application
Applications and payment must be submitted together, by one of the following methods:
- Mail: Town of Qualicum Beach, PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
- In Person: Town of Qualicum Beach, #201-660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC
Town Hall hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.