This eleven-member Select Committee on Beach Day meets each month (except September, October and November), to provide input, service and advice to Council and staff in the creation, development and […]
The OCP Steering Committee meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month, or as required. The agenda for this meeting will be posted a minimum of […]
Special Council Meetings are scheduled as needed for important, urgent or emerging issues. Often referred to as an “in-camera” session, these meetings typically move to a closed portion of the […]
Town Hall Committee of the Whole meetings allow for in-depth discussion and review of broad municipal topics or specific items without the strict procedural constraints of a standard council meeting. […]
Special Council Meetings are scheduled as needed for important, urgent or emerging issues. Often referred to as an “in-camera” session, these meetings typically move to a closed portion of the […]
The Heritage Forest Commission meetings are held on the first Thursday of February, May, September, November. The agenda for this meeting will be posted a minimum of two business days […]
The OCP Steering Committee meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month, or as required. The agenda for this meeting will be posted a minimum of […]
Council meetings are key for decision-making in local governance. They ensure transparency and accountability as council members deliberate on important issues that impact our community. Stay informed about these crucial […]
Special Council Meetings are scheduled as needed for important, urgent or emerging issues. Often referred to as an “in-camera” session, these meetings typically move to a closed portion of the […]
This nine-member Select Committee on Family Day meets each month, as required, to provide input, service and advice to Council and staff in the creation, development and delivery of the […]
Committee of the Whole meetings allow for in-depth discussion and review of broad municipal topics or specific items without the strict procedural constraints of a standard council meeting. These meetings […]
Special Council Meetings are scheduled as needed for important, urgent or emerging issues. Often referred to as an “in-camera” session, these meetings typically move to a closed portion of the […]
The OCP Steering Committee meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month, or as required. The agenda for this meeting will be posted a minimum of […]
This eleven-member Select Committee on Beach Day meets each month (except September, October and November), to provide input, service and advice to Council and staff in the creation, development and […]
This event will introduce the 2025 OCP Review to the community, and includes an overview of how community members can participate in the process. Presentations will be made explaining the […]