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Accessibility Advisory Team

In 2021, the Accessible British Columbia Act prescribed that municipalities establish an Accessibility Advisory Team to guide on matters of accessibility and to support the creation of an Accessibility Plan. The draft Plan was completed by the legislated date of September 1, 2024.

The Plan will consider the principles of inclusion, adaptability, diversity, collaboration, self-determination, and universal design. It will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years and provide mechanisms to receive public input.

The goals set out for the Accessibility Advisory Team are to:

  1. Assist with identifying barriers to individuals in or interacting with the Town of Qualicum Beach in accordance with the Accessible BC Act;

  2. Provide advice on how to remove and prevent any identified barriers;

  3. Provide input on the development of an Accessibility Plan;

  4. Provide advice on mechanisms to receive public feedback on accessibility;

  5. Provide advice on any matters referred to the Team by Council or Town staff.

Accessibility Plan

The Team developed a Plan that considers the principles of inclusion, adaptability, diversity, collaboration, self-determination and universal design. Implementing the Plan will be pursued as resources permit and opportunities arise. Where possible, actions from the Plan should be integrated into the Town of Qualicum Beach’s ongoing operations and new initiatives. Implementation progress will be reviewed by Town staff and reported on annually to Council and the public. This will inform the Town of Qualicum Beach strategic planning and annual budgeting processes. The Plan will be reviewed and updated every three years, and will include an evaluation of the most recent performance data and an assessment of current opportunities. 

Team Members

The Accessibility Advisory Team consists of five to seven members appointed by Council based on their experience and credentials, and to the extent possible, include representation as follows:

  • At least half of the members are persons with disabilities, or individuals who support, or are from organizations that support, persons with disabilities.

  • Members that reflect the diversity of persons with disabilities in British Columbia.

  • At least one Indigenous Person.

  • Members that reflect the diversity of persons in British Columbia.

  • At least one member of Council.

Contact Us

To contact the Accessibility Advisory Team please use the Public Inquiry Form.

Public Inquiry Form
Close up of a wheelchair with a blurred background.