Airport - CAT4

Airport - CAT4

QB Airport

Welcome to the Qualicum Beach Airport - CAT4.

The Qualicum Beach Airport has been in existence since 1954 and serves not only Qualicum Beach, but Parksville and the surrounding area as well. With full fuel service, paved runways, and good parking availability, CAT4 provides a transportation gateway that is both accessible and convenient.

It is hoped that we will continue to augment the services that we offer to the flying public and continue to receive assistance from both Transport Canada and the BC Provincial Government for our future success as a community airport.

There are a number of operators based at the airport:

Airport Parking
Secure parking is available at the airport, and equipped with lighting, security cameras and parking kiosks. Parking fees are $5 for 24 hours.

Operating Conditions
The aerodrome is certified as a public use DAY/NIGHT, VFR/IFR airport with the following restriction: "night operations are prohibited when APAPI is unserviceable".

Noise Abatement
Transport Canada mandated Noise Abatement Procedures are in effect. Please refer to current Canada Flight Supplement.

Night restrictions

  • Between 2200-0600 local, medivac only or PPR
  • Night operations PROHIBITED when APAPI is unservicable
  • Night circuit altitude 1400 MSL

Flight Plan

  • Kamloops FIC (1.800.541.4101)
  • IFR - Comox Terminal (1.250.339.8115)

Fuel Prices (6am to 10pm daily)

  • Fuel 100LL (AV Gas) - Currently sold for $2.37/litre
  • Jet A-1 - Currently sold for $1.60/litre

CAUTION: 100' trees approx. 3000' from thld 29. Only pilots familiar with local terrain should use this airport during hours of darkness.

Airport Operations Manager
Phone: 250.909.0039
Email: [email protected]

CAT4 - Qualicum Beach Airport
1000 Ravensbourne Lane
Qualicum Beach BC V9K 1P9

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