Windstorm - Take Cover - Danger! Danger!    Read More >
Windstorm - Take Cover - Danger! Danger!    Read More >

Pruning, Trimming & Tree Removal

To request the Town for pruning, trimming or removal of trees on Town maintained property, please fill out the application and provide the following information:

  • Reason for the request.

  • A photograph identifying exactly where trees are to be thinned, pruned or removed.

  • A map indicating the location of trees, the location where the photograph was taken and the distance in metres from the applicant’s property.

Pruning, Trimming & Tree Removal on Town Controlled Land

Applications can be submitted by one of the following methods:

  • Email: Complete the fillable PDF form and send it to [email protected]
  • In Person: Town of Qualicum Beach, #201-660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC

Town Hall hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Removing a Tree on Private Property

To remove a tree on private property, a Tree Removal Permit is required.

Tree Removal Permit
a suburban home with a large maple tree in the front yard