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Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw Amendment

The Official Community Plan (OCP) outlines a policy framework and vision for future land use, community well-being, economic vitality, environment, and municipal servicing. The OCP is the highest-level planning document used by the Town. An amendment to the OCP is required when a proposed development does not conform to the land use designation(s) of the OCP.

The OCP identifies the approximate location, amount, and type of future land uses. The Zoning Bylaw regulates uses currently allowed on the land while the OCP identifies land uses that may be considered in the future.

OCP Bylaw Amendment Process

An amendment is the process of legally changing the land use designation of a property, similar to a Zoning Amendment/Rezoning. In some instances, an OCP Amendment must be made before a zoning change can occur, in which case, the amendment applications (OCP and Zoning) can be reviewed at the same time.

OCP Amendment applications are reviewed and compared to the OCP, as each new proposal should support the regulations laid out in the OCP’s vision and goals for our community.

Prior to submitting an application to the Planning Department, applicants will need to schedule a pre-application meeting with the Town’s Planning Department. Planning staff will review your proposal to ensure that it aligns with the Official Community Plan and other Town bylaws and policies.

To book a pre-application meeting, email [email protected]

OCP Amendment applications must be accompanied by a detailed description and drawings of the proposed land use. Other documents that are required include:

  • Site plan.
  • Certificate of Title (dated within 30 days of the submitted application and including all relevant charges registered on the legal title of the property).
  • Summary of proposed development including benefits and impacts on the community as well as the existing land uses adjacent to the subject property.
  • Detailed drawings of the proposed development (two sets of plans).
  • Signature of the applicant and the registered owner of the property.
  • If the property is located in a Development Permit Area, a development permit will be required as well.

Further details are included on the application form:

OCP Amendment Application Form

Combined Development and Bylaw Amendment Application Form

Once an application has been reviewed by the Planning Department, it is referred to other Town departments and outside agencies, if applicable, such as the Qualicum Beach Fire Department, Infrastructure Services, and the Ministry of Transportation.

Applicants will be contacted and advised of additional requirements once the Planning Department receives referral comments back from the other stakeholders.

Town Staff will present the application to Council for their consideration. Council may proceed with the application through first, second, third, and adoption or they could deny the application at any point in the process. The application could also be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for a review before voting to adopt the proposal. Once a decision is made by Council, applicants will be notified of the outcome.

Applicants for an OCP, zoning bylaw amendment are required to post Bylaw Amendment Application sign(s) on the subject property as outlined in Schedule B of the Town of Qualicum Beach’s Development Application Procedures and Fees Bylaw No. 605, 2007 .

This sign must be posted on the property a minimum of ten days prior to Second reading of the amendment bylaw by Council.

The timeline from application to issuance varies by project and depends on the completeness of the application and supporting submissions, the complexity of the proposed project, current workload of staff and Council, and timing of Council meetings.

Applications that address the policy issues, support the OCP, provide a high standard of urban design, and address neighbourhood concerns will proceed more quickly. Applicants are advised to familiarize themselves with all regulations surrounding development.

See the Council Meeting Schedule for a calendar of upcoming Council meetings; these dates should be considered for the application timeline.

The OCP Amendment Application fee is $2,500 and should be submitted to the Town of Qualicum Beach with your application package.

Applications and payment must be submitted together, by one of the following methods:

  • Mail: Town of Qualicum Beach, PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
  • In Person: Town of Qualicum Beach, #201-660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC

Town Hall hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.