Any Canadian citizen who is eligible to vote in the province of British Columbia is qualified to run for election as a Council member for the Town of Qualicum Beach, unless they:
Running for Office

Work for the Town of Qualicum Beach or the Regional District of Nanaimo (unless a leave of absence is taken to run and the person agrees to resign, if elected).
Are a Federal public service employee (unless they have first requested and obtained prior permission from the Public Service Commission of Canada).
Are a Provincial Court, Supreme Court, or Court of Appeal judge.
Has been convicted of an indictable offence and is in custody.
Are involuntarily committed to a psychiatric or other institution.
Has been disqualified under the Community Charter or Local Government Act, or any law in force in British Columbia (e.g. guilty of an election offence, failing to file a campaign financing disclosure statement, etc.).
Candidates do not need to live or own property in the Town of Qualicum Beach, however, they must have resided in British Columbia for at least six consecutive months before filing nomination documents.
Nomination packages will be available at Town Hall.