Windstorm - Take Cover - Danger! Danger!    Read More >
Windstorm - Take Cover - Danger! Danger!    Read More >

Water Services

The Town provides high-quality water to the residents of Qualicum Beach through state-of-the-art ultraviolet and chlorination water disinfection. Over 100km of water mains and water services transport drinking water to residents. Seven reservoirs, eleven pump stations and three booster stations provide clean water to residents every day. The Town’s goals are:

  • Ensure the quality of potable water.
  • Maintain a water supply adequate to meet demands.
  • Secure Town’s water supply.
  • Guarantee the continued quantity and quality of water through diverse water sources.

Water Meter Reading

Every household, business and facility connected to the Town of Qualicum Beach municipal water service is equipped with a water meter to track water usage and to ensure that customers are being billed only for their water use. The Town is responsible for installing, testing, and maintaining approximately 4,000 meters.

Each year, from late April to early May, Town crews read water meters. Residents must ensure their water meter and any other municipal infrastructure are completely accessible at all times. Property owners may be fined $100 if crews cannot access this infrastructure.

Water rates and service fees are outlined on the Waterworks Rate and Regulation Bylaw.

Water Restrictions – May 15th to September 15th

From May 15th until September 15th the watering of lawns and gardens will only be permitted between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am daily. Hand watering is permitted at any time.

Water Main Flushing

The water main system is flushed annually while monitoring flow rates to ensure proper scouring of the pipes.

If you notice discoloured water,  run the cold water tap (preferably a bathtub tap with no screen) for approximately 5 – 10 minutes to clear any discolouration.

Water Treatment

The Qualicum Beach water supply is treated with both ultraviolet disinfection and chlorination per the Vancouver Island Health Authority. Chlorination byproducts are not a concern as the chlorine dosage is low and the water chemistry does not identify any complicating components.

Water Reports

As a supplier under the British Columbia Drinking Water Protection Act, the Town of Qualicum Beach is required to provide an Annual Water Report on the quality of the water and its distribution.

Read the 2023 Annual Water Report to learn more.

Water Sampling and Testing

Water samples are taken weekly, on rotation from a minimum of two of nine sample stations to test for Total, Fecal, and E. Coli. Samples are sent to the Vancouver Island Health Authority and two independent labs. This ensures the accuracy of the results for immediate and proper interpretation, to make certain correct sampling and lab work has been completed, and for the identification and elimination of false positive results with confidence.

A full chemical analysis is also done on raw water, completed annually per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality  to offer a better understanding of the overall water quality.

Water Leaks

Any person whose water use exceeds $300.00 per billing period, due to an undetected leak in the waterline on the person’s private property, may apply to the Town for relief from charges in excess of $300.00

Contact Us

To report a concern or ask a question, please use the Public Inquiry Form to contact the Town.

Public Inquiry Form
Broken water pipe spraying water.