There are many ways for residents to participate in local government and municipal decision making in Qualicum Beach. The Town welcomes your participation and input.
Participate in Local Goverment

Participate in a Council Meeting
Residents are encouraged to stay informed on key issues that Council discusses by attending in-person meetings or watching via our live stream.
All council meetings are held in:
Council Chambers, Town Hall
660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach.
Meeting agendas are available a minimum of two business days before the meeting date. Full agendas are available online, and outlines are posted on public notice boards at Town Hall.
Sign up to have agendas emailed directly to you.
Council meetings are broadcast live, and recorded for viewing at any time. Visit the Town’s YouTube channel to view recordings.
Provide Comments to Council
Members of the public are able to provide input to Council on Town business in a variety of ways.
Residents are welcome to submit comments to Council regarding items on the agenda.
Before the Meeting
Comments can be submitted to Council via one of the following ways:
- Public Inquiry Form: Public Inquiry Form
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
- Deliver in Person: Town Hall, 660 Primrose Street
Submissions received through these methods will be entered into the Correspondence Log, which will be included in a future agenda.
After the Meeting
For regular Council meetings, residents can provide comments on items that were discussed in the current agenda.
Submissions that meet the following guidelines will be distributed to all Council members, and a brief summary of the comments will be included in the meeting minutes.
- Comments must include a full name and address.
- Comments must be received no later than 12:00 pm two business days following the meeting.
- Submissions must be regarding business discussed by Council at the meeting, and be 300 words or fewer.
- Submissions relating to closed public hearing topics, or unrelated to Council business discussed at the meeting, will not be distributed to Council.
To submit a comment, email [email protected] no more than two days after the meeting.
Committee of the Whole (CoTW) meetings allow an opportunity for the community to provide verbal input on matters related to the agenda. A brief summary of the comments will be included in the meeting minutes.
Written comments are also welcome, and may be submitted via one of the following ways:
- Public Inquiry Form: Public Inquiry Form
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
- Deliver in Person: Town Hall, 660 Primrose Street
Written comments will be added to the Correspondence Log, and included in a future regular Council agenda.
Town Hall Committee of the Whole (CoTW) meetings occur quarterly and include a dedicated open public comment and question-answer period with Council on municipal matters.
Speakers’ Process
To ensure a smooth and organized discussion, the following guidelines will be in place:
- Individuals wishing to speak must register using the sign-up sheet provided and give their name, municipality of residence, and topic of discussion.
- Speakers will be called upon in the order they registered.
- Each speaker will be given three minutes to ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak within the allotted time.
- Council and staff will be provided an opportunity to respond.
- If time permits, speakers may be invited to speak again, by raising their hand and being called on by the Chair.
- Council and staff will not engage in debate with members of the public.
The public is welcome to contact Council anytime about matters related to Town business.
- Public Inquiry Form: Public Inquiry Form
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
- Deliver in Person: Town Hall, 660 Primrose Street
Submissions received through these methods will be entered into the Correspondence Log, which will be included in a future agenda.
Residents may also contact Council via their individual email addresses, but this is not considered part of the public record and is not likely to appear on the Correspondence Log.
Present at a Council Meeting
Individuals or groups who wish to address Council at a regular meeting are referred to as “delegations” and typically present on matters significant to the community. Delegations may request specific actions, provide information, or address other topics of relevance to Council and the community.
- Every approved delegation is allowed a maximum of five minutes to present to Council. Council may extend that time by an additional five minutes with a 2/3 vote of Council.
- Presentations must be focused and specific to the matter on the application form.
- Delegations are encouraged to arrive early as they are scheduled at the start of the meeting.
- Presentations are directed to Council and communication is made through the meeting Chair (the Mayor or acting Mayor).
- A microphone will be provided.
- Delegations can provide handouts at the meeting – bring at least 10 copies to have enough for Council and Town Staff.
- Respectful behaviour is expected and debates are not generally permitted during a presentation.
- Support your position and be prepared to answer questions from Council.
- Delegations are not permitted for matters relating to a bylaw that has received a public hearing.
- The maximum number of delegations per meeting is five.
- The Town’s Corporate Officer may schedule delegations to another Council meeting or advisory body, as deemed appropriate, according to the subject matter of the delegation.
- The Corporate Officer may refuse a delegation if the issue is not considered to fall within the jurisdiction of Council.
- Please note that Council may not provide an immediate answer, especially if the subject matter requires further consideration.
- Applications must be submitted a minimum of seven business days prior to the meeting date.
- All delegations must provide their name, address and contact information.
- Council dates can be found in the Council Calendar. A preferred date should be indicated on your application.
Applications can be submitted submitted by one of the following methods:
- Email: Download and complete the fillable PDF form and email to [email protected]
- In Person: Town of Qualicum Beach, #201-660 Primrose Street, Qualicum Beach, BC
Town Hall hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Special Council Meetings are scheduled as needed for important, urgent or emerging issues. Often referred to as an “in-camera” session, these meetings are not open to the public, and are held to discuss confidential matters that fall under Section 90 of the Community Charter.
Committee of the Whole meetings allow for more in-depth discussion and review of broad municipal topics or specific items without the strict procedural constraints of a standard council meeting.
These meetings provide a space for council members to candidly discuss matters and collaboratively develop solutions, fostering a more comprehensive and public decision-making process.
While Council members reach consensus on issues, they make no final decisions, but instead forward recommendations to formal Council meetings for official voting.
Attendees may offer verbal comments on agenda items, and written comments are also welcome. See “Provide Comments to Council” on this page.
All correspondence addressed to Council members (and received through the channels listed below) is tracked by the Town and added to a monthly Correspondence Log.
The Correspondence Log shows the nature of the content, with no names or details. The log is included in the regular council agenda each month and is available for public viewing at the Town Hall front counter.
Members of the public are welcome to request a copy of any item listed in the log, which will be redacted to ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
To submit a comment, please use one of the following options:
- Public Inquiry Form: Public Inquiry Form
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
- Deliver in Person: Town Hall, 660 Primrose Street
For more information on how comments to Council are received, read “Provide Comments to Council” on this page.