You are eligible to vote in the Town of Qualicum Beach as a Resident Elector if you meet the following qualifications:
Voting Eligibility & Registration

18 years of age or older on general voting day.
Canadian citizen.
Have lived in British Columbia for at least six months immediately before registering to vote.
Living in the Town of Qualicum Beach on the day you register to vote.
Are not disqualified by the Local Government Act, or any other Act, or the Courts from voting in a local election.
Landed immigrants and corporations are not eligible to vote. You do not need to own property to vote as a Resident Elector.
Non-Resident Property Electors
You are eligible to vote in the Town of Qualicum Beach as a Non-Resident Property Elector if you are not eligible to register as a Resident Elector and you meet the following qualifications:
18 years of age or older on general voting day.
Canadian citizen.
Have lived in British Columbia for at least six months immediately before registering to vote.
Have owned property in the Town of Qualicum Beach for at least 30 days immediately before you register to vote.
Are not disqualified by the Local Government Act, or any other Act, or the Courts from voting in a local election.
You may only register in relation to one piece of property. If more than one person owns the property, only one of the owners may register and that person must have the written consent of the majority of the owners.
If you own the property with a corporation, none of the owners of the property are eligible to vote. In accordance with the Local Government Act, the only persons who are registered owners, either as joint tenants or tenants-in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.
Register to Vote

If you were listed on the Provincial Voters List, you should not have to register again. The Town of Qualicum Beach uses the Provincial Voters List prepared by Elections BC and adds registered Non-Resident Property Electors.
Visit Elections BC to register as a Provincial voter, check if you are a registered voter, or to update your registration information.
If you are not on the Town’s List of Electors, you may still register at Town Hall during the voting period, or when you vote at Advance Voting or on General Voting Day.
To register, you must bring:
Two documents to prove who you are (BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID, Care Card, SIN card, Citizenship Card, bank credit or debit card).
Two documents that show where you live (telephone, hydro, or gas bill, property tax document); one of these documents must contain your signature.
View the full list of accepted documents as established by the Province in Local Government Elections Regulation 380/93, Section 3.
Non-Resident Property Electors must also bring evidence of ownership (recent Land Title Certificate) and a Consent Form signed by a majority of owners. Contact Town Hall for the required forms.
The above information has been prepared for the convenience of the public and to provide assistance in understanding the local government election process and does not cover every aspect of local elections. It is not intended to be a complete and comprehensive document nor is it a substitution for the legislation contained in Part 3 of the Local Government Act or any other act. For detailed information on all aspects of voting or running for office in local government elections, refer to the Local Government Act or visit the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development website on local government elections here.