Quality of Life Survey

Quality of Life Survey

QLS Deadline


Quality of Life Survey (QLS)

All Qualicum Beach residents and homeowners will be invited to share their opinions and feedback on Town services, local amenities, housing, and development via the Quality of Life Survey (QLS).
  • Survey invitations will be posted to every civic address within Town boundaries in mid-January 2025, as well as secondary addresses for property owners to ensure that both owners and occupants receive the survey invitation.
  • The invitation 'postcard' will have two unique codes per household, allowing two members over 18 years to complete the survey.
  • Non-residents may complete the survey without a code and their results will be collated separately.
  • Residents requiring alternate methods of participation may contact the Town for assistance at 250.752.6921.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Town undertaking a Quality of Life Survey?

The Town conducts a Quality of Life Survey approximately every six years. This survey has two parts, each with a different purpose:
  • Part 1 of the survey asks questions about how satisfied residents are with the Town’s services, and if there are other services they would like to see available in the future. This helps to guide decisions about how Town services will be delivered.
  • Part 2 of the survey provides feedback for the 2025 Official Community Plan (OCP) Review. The OCP is the overarching plan for the Town for the future that provides goals, objectives, and policies specifically related to land use. This OCP review requires that all municipalities update their OCPs by the end of 2025 and focus on housing.

How do I fill out the survey?

Each household and property owner within Town boundaries will receive a postcard (view a sample) beginning the week of January 13, 2025. The postcard is an invitation to the QLS survey with two unique codes that are required to lodge the survey.

Residents can complete the survey online , using either the URL address or scanning the QR code with a phone camera. The survey will prompt the user to enter a unique code which is located on the postcard. A code only works once, so each household member must use a different code.

How many people in a household can complete the survey?

Two members of each household may complete the survey, with each code able to be used only once. If there are more than two people in the household, those with the most recent birthdays are to use the codes. Additional members of the household may also complete the survey. Simply follow the prompts, and the consultant, Deloitte LLP, will make contact to provide the information needed to complete the survey.

Why didn’t I receive a postcard?

Only residents and property owners in Qualicum Beach will receive a postcard with a unique code. Non-residents of Qualicum Beach may also complete the survey without a code. Simply initiate the survey, following the prompts, and the consultant, Deloitte LLP, will make contact to provide the additional information needed to complete the survey.

Additional Random Phone Survey

Some households will also receive a phone call from the caller ‘QLS Town of QB’. This randomized call from the consultant, Deloitte, LLP will help ensure the statistical validity of online survey responses. Those who complete the phone survey can also complete the online survey with their unique code. To verify that the phone survey is legitimate ensure the call display shows ‘QLS Town of QB’.

How long is the survey going to be available?

Survey invitations will be mailed out to all addresses in the Town during the week of January 13, 2025, and the survey will be available until February 16, 2025.

How long does the survey take to complete?

The survey is composed of two parts, taking about 20 minutes in total to complete.
  • Part 1 – satisfaction with Town services - should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete.
  • Part 2 – regarding the OCP review and housing - should take approximately 6-8 minutes to complete.

Are there other options to provide feedback if I cannot fill a digital survey?

For those with accessibility needs, contact the Town for some alternatives:
  • Request a phone call. Contact the Town to arrange a time to receive a phone call by a phone interviewer.
  • Pick up a printed copy from Town Hall. Return these to the Town with the unique code from the postcard.
For contact details, refer to “Who can I contact if I have questions about the survey?”

Survey Website

The survey can be accessed from the website www.deloitte-survey.com/qb


Only those over the age of 18 may complete the survey to avoid concerns about privacy and consent. Youth will be engaged via in-person sessions to gather their perspectives on housing and the Official Community Plan.

Who to call for technical issues with the survey?

For technical issues completing the survey, call Town Hall at 250-752-6921 for assistance. A paper copy may also be picked up from Town Hall.

When was the last Quality of Life Survey?

The last Quality of Life Survey was completed in 2017, and the results are available at the Town website qualicumbeach.com/ocp

Who is administering the survey?

The Town has contracted Deloitte, LLP to administer the survey and provide an analysis of the results. This contract was awarded as per the Town’s Request for Proposal process.

I am worried about the privacy of my data. Is the information I provide in the survey protected?

Your data is completely confidential. Your personal information will not be shared with the Town or any other external parties. All responses will be anonymized and aggregated, ensuring that no individual’s personal information can be identified.

What will happen with the answers I provide?

Survey results will be presented to Council and the public, with the findings providing direction on how the Town can improve how they are meeting community needs.

The findings from the survey will also be used to inform the 2025 OCP Review, helping the Town understand the priorities of community members in relation to housing, so that the next phase of community engagement for the OCP can dive deeper into some of the issues that are important to residents.

Why are the answers without a unique code analyzed separately?

Responses from non-residents and additional household residents are reviewed separately from those with a unique code. This allows data to be reviewed without skewing the statistical validity of responses from those with codes, while also allowing the Town to understand the priorities of additional users of the community.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the survey?

For any questions about the survey, please contact the Planning and Community Development department at [email protected], or call 250-752-6921.

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