The aerodrome is certified as a public use DAY/NIGHT, VFR/IFR airport with the following restriction: night operations are prohibited when PAPI is unserviceable.
Qualicum Beach Airport Procedures

Operating Conditions
Noise Abatement
Transport Canada’s mandated Noise Abatement Procedures are in effect. Please refer to the current Canada Flight Supplement.
Qualicum Beach Airport Good Neighbour Program
Noise mitigation at the airport is approached collaboratively, with the Good Neighbour Program bringing together pilots, airport users and the local community. The program aims to minimize noise disturbances for the surrounding neighbourhoods by encouraging and educating pilots on the best operational flight procedures and practices.
Night Restrictions
- Between 2200-0600 local, medivac only or PPR
- Night operations are PROHIBITED when PAPI is unserviceable
- Night circuit altitude 1400 MSL
CAUTION: 100′ trees approx. 3000′ from thld 29. Only pilots familiar with local terrain should use this airport during hours of darkness.
Flight Plan
- Kamloops FIC (1.800.541.4101)
- IFR – Comox Terminal (1.250.339.8115)
Fuel Prices
- 6:00 am to 10:00 pm daily
- Fuel 100LL (AV Gas) - Currently sold for $2.53/litre
- Jet A-1 - Currently sold for $1.37/litre