Overview Affordability has been a growing concern in recent years as house prices have increased.
Increasing the diversity of housing is a priority of Council, and the Town encourages a spectrum of housing choices and prices, from multi-family to single-family and secondary suites, from rural houses to village lofts, live/work accommodation, and from affordable to luxury.
Town policies support a collaborative approach to the development of housing. “The Town shall explore ways to work with community groups and senior levels of government to provide for the development of affordable housing, special needs housing, and rental housing. “ - Official Community Plan (OCP) S. 2.2.2 Residential - Policy 3
The May 2009 Affordable Housing Needs assessment first highlighted an unmet demand for affordable rental market housing for fixed-income seniors and families. This study led to the creation of 34 new affordable housing units in 2015 adjacent to the community park. In 2009, when the housing needs assessment was completed, the average sale price of a home in the Parksville- Qualicum area was $369,4456 and is now close to $1,000,000. Income growth in Qualicum Beach has not kept pace with the price of housing, further exacerbating the affordability issue. The different rates of inflation for wages and housing is making it increasingly difficult to bridge the affordability gap.
Read full details on Bill 44